Friday, June 02, 2006



Tim was Medical FIFA visited BraZil

Weggis - tEAM Brazil got the sudden visit from the medical team FIFA. had the affair what?
Apparently they came only to carry out the test doping.
This sudden visit actually was not too startling if paying close attention to the FIFA announcement last March.
At that point FIFA made an announcement if his side will carry out the test doping suddenly before the Cup of the World took place 9 June-July 9 this.
Launched FoxSports, on Friday (2/6/2006), the arrival of the medical FIFA team to the Brazilian exercise camp in Weggis, Swiss, that was led directly by his chairman of Jiri Dvorak.
They carried out the test doping against four players.
The four players who were chosen randomly were the goalkeeper Rogerio Ceni, the back Luisao, the half-back Gilberto Silva and Juninho.
Their arrival was then utilised by the team of the Brazilian doctor to hand over the medical document about Edmilson.
On Wednesday (31/5/2006) that then, the half-back remained the Arsenal was scratched from timnas Brazil after experiencing the knees injury.
The photograph: the Exercise timnas Brazil the arrival of the medical FIFA team (i-feiliao

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